Fans from all over the country, as well as abroad will be gathering at H.O.M.E. Bar in Arlington Heights on May 4th – 6th for Melodic Rock Fest 5! If you’re wondering what Melodic Rock is, it could be described as the 80’s Hair Metal of Today… The melodies, lyrics, hook and choruses that grab you, get you singing along and most importantly, make you feel great!

We caught up with radio personality, Rachel Logan of Rachel’s Rock Refuge to chat about her show and the upcoming fest.
Rachel, thank you for spending a few minutes with us to talk about what’ll be happening here in Chicago in just a couple of weeks!
My pleasure! I’m honored to be included in SPLASH. Thank you for having me.
- Can you tell us a little about your show and how it directly contributes to this specific genre of rock?
I’d be happy to. Rachel’s Rock Refuge is a project and a commitment for me. I started it 3 or so years ago as a way to reach the Melodic Rock and Hair Metal audience in the best way I know how and that’s to take all my years in radio and incorporate what I’ve learned into the show. I weave stories, humor, tidbits, and some sarcasm into the music and into the programming of each show. In this day and age of being able to go online and listen to just about anything, I want to bring something special to the table and serve my audience in the way they deserve and that’s to entertain them on multiple levels and to hopefully bring a smile to their faces each and every time. The show incorporates the Hair Metal of yesterday, the Melodic Rock of today, (the established bands that serve the same audience) many out of Europe, and the U.K., as well as here in America.

- Can you give us some examples of Melodic Rock?
Absolutely. I think the best way to describe Melodic Rock is to listen to it! Some prime examples of established, well-respected MR bands would be Eclipse, H.E.A.T. and Grand Design all out of Sweden and Adriangale and Station both out of the New York City area here at home. Great to mention these amazing bands too, especially with H.E.A.T, Grand Design, Adriangale and Station all getting ready to take the stage at Melodic Rock Fest 5…
- Artist interviews are a big part of your show…Do you remember your first rock interview? Can you share with us what that was like?
Wow, I sure can. My VERY first was with my buddy Don Mancuso, mainly known as the former lead guitarist for Lou Gramm (former lead singer of Foreigner). I was at a smaller market station in Georgia and he had a new album out with his band, D: Drive. This was my first time recording, editing and airing an interview with his featured music integrated in. I was nervous but all turned out great!
Later, while at 97.1 The River in Atlanta, I started getting much more comfortable interviewing well known Classic Rock artists. It’s one of my favorite aspects of the show and hearing from the artists directly is something I believe my audience appreciates and respects. What’s also fun is that you never know where the conversation will go!
I’ve interviewed many of the artists performing at MRF5 and it’ll be great to see them again.

- Can you tell us what a concertgoer can expect at Melodic Rock Fest 5?
In a nutshell? An amazing experience! The credit goes right to Founder/President/Organizer, Mr. Andrew McNiece… He’s the reason there IS a Melodic Rock Fest and yes, this is the 5th one!
The energy of the music, the fans, and the bands themselves is something quite special and for someone who has yet to attend, they’ll be immersed in all three. And the food at H.O.M.E. Bar? Fantastic!
Hope you see you!

Tickets are available at the door at H.O.M.E. Bar
Rachel’s Rock Refuge is currently broadcast in 3 countries:
97Underground.com (USA)
ARfm.co.uk (U.K.)
RockWorld24.com (GERMANY)
The show is also heard on 2 additional affiliates:
ClassXRadio.com and
Follow Rachel on Twitter at @Rachel_radio
On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/rachellissette
And the show itself at https://www.mixcloud.com/rachel-logan/
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